Department of Aerospace Engineering students Ganesh Raghunath and Gary Wolf earn top spots at the Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering (SAMPE) 2015 Student Research Symposium in Dallas.
Raghunath placed second in the Ph.D. category, and as part of his win, SAMPE will provide a stipend to cover his costs to attend the SAMPE Europe Conference September 2016 in Belgium to present on his research.
Wolfe placed first in the undergraduate category with his paper, "Pneumatically Actuated Morphing Wing Capable of Multiple Morphological Changes." He graduated from Maryland in May 2015 and is now pursuing graduate studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
The SAMPE Student Research Symposium is a competitive program that sponsors selected SAMPE student members to present the results of their technical research at the SAMPE North America Conference and Exhibition each year. The event includes categories for senior undergraduates, as well as Masters and Ph.D. candidates. The best papers presented in each category receive cash prizes, while SAMPE sponsors winners in the Ph.D. category to present their papers at SAMPE conferences in Europe and Japan.
November 13, 2015